This month marked the 20th year of the Movember movement that focuses on raising awareness for men’s health in order to help them live longer, healthier lives. Being that the members of our Insulators Union is made up of mostly men, we decided to use this month’s blog post to get into the Movember spirit ourselves.
One of the main problems facing men in our country today, is prostate cancer. One in eight men in the USA will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. This staggering statistic is why getting regular check-ups and prostate exams is not only recommended, it is an absolute necessity. The phrase “early detection is key” may be a cliché but it truly can’t be said enough.
We all know a man in our lives who refuses to go to the doctors because they just want to “tough it out.” Dr. Eric Klein (Chairman of Cleveland Clinic’s Glickman Urological & Kidney Institute) said in a 2019 interview that “It’s time to get rid of the stigma that a man isn’t allowed to show weakness by admitting something might be wrong, because being honest about how you’re feeling could save your life.”
In a survey done by the Cleveland Clinic in 2019, 50% of men asked, said they DO NOT consider getting their annual check-up a regular part of taking care of themselves. Since 2020’s Covid-19 outbreak, our own benefits administrators at Local 2 have seen a decrease in the utilization of health benefits. These statistics and trends must be reversed! As one of the mottos of the Movember campaign states: “Men are dying too young. We can’t afford to stay silent any longer.”
So, we are urging our Local 2 brothers, even after the month of November is over, to take control of your health! Take advantage of the resources you have at your disposal as far as the Local 2’s comprehensive health care plan through Highmark, access to the Employee Assistance Program for Mental Health, and even Teladoc services for virtual and telephonic communication with physicians.
When it comes to diseases, such as Prostate Cancer, there are many risk factors that are out of your control (ex. age, family history, ethnicity) and that is where regular visits and health assessments become extremely important. However, there are simple lifestyle choices that you can make to prevent diseases such as prostate cancer.
- Go to the doctor even when you’re not sick
- Be honest with your doctor about how you’re feeling
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Get more sleep
- Increase Vitamin D intake
- Put down the cigarettes
Taking care of our members is what we are all about here at Local 2. And that includes prioritizing the health, safety and happiness of our brothers and sisters.
Click here for more information about Movember and what they’re all about.
Also, for more information on the Cleveland Clinic Study on Men’s Health click here.