Every year, Local 2 recognizes members and each person’s longevity at the annual Local 2 Holiday Party. For the last 20 years, Local 2 takes an honorable moment to showcase the vitality of success with its members through a pinning ceremony. Each ornate pin details the years of service along with the prominent and recognizable, International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers logo.
The holiday party hosted close to 300 members and their loved ones in December. Out of the vast membership, the following brothers and sisters achieved this great honor, ranging between 55 years of service to 15 years of service:
Mike Dunn, 55 Years of Service
55 Years of Service:
Mike Dunn
50 Years of Service:
Thomas Guy Jr.
Rob Vitmier
45 Years of Service:
Pete Scully
Bill Hudson
Warren Tolbart
40 Years of Service:
Matt Mavilla
John Conroy
35 Years of Service:
Jim Cassidy
Dale Ray
Ed Seiler
30 Years of Service:
Jeff Tate
Earl Work Jr
Troy Conner
JJ Seiler
25 Years of Service:
John Stewart Jr
20 Years of Service:
Greg Marsh
Niki Cain
Tom Mulholland Jr.
Eric Czapko
Tim Roberts
Kenny Trivet
15 Years of Service:
Carl Cassidy
Mike DeShantz
Paul Scully
William King
Jeff Marsh
Sean Hauserman
Robin Weber
Thanks to all who have been dedicated members to Local 2 over the years. As a union being over 100 years old and counting, Local 2 takes pride in its longevity, and every success comes directly from our brothers and sisters.