Local 2 Gets Even More Versatile

Our organizers continue to explore innovative ways to highlight the value we bring to contractors while keeping our members working. This includes further diversifying our union by branching out into other areas of the industry. At this year’s annual conference in Houston, Mechanical Insulation Energy Audits were a central topic of discussion.

“Going into the future, adding energy audits to what we do will give us the opportunity for a lot more work.” says Local 2 Business Manager Jim Cassidy.

Recently, the Local 2 leadership team has taken steps to begin training our union brothers and sisters on how to perform these audits. An energy audit, as it pertains to our field, is the utilization of computer-generated data to determine the efficiency of mechanical insulation systems. Auditors will identify wasted energy in terms of dollars, BTUs and the amount of greenhouse gases emitted.

“What we hope to accomplish is to open new avenues of revenue for our contractors by expanding what we can do as an organization.” says Local 2 Director of Business Development, JJ Seiler.

Adding these new elements will ultimately make our organization more versatile. As the need for these energy audits grows in our industry, Local 2 Insulators will be there to take on the work with the same quality and excellence executed daily.

“Entering into these new areas of the business will help us to reach one of our main goals, which is to increase our market share in the region.” added Seiler.


109 Pleasant Dr. STE 200
Aliquippa, PA 15001

P: 724-378-9735 
F: 724-378-7050


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